Monday 9 May 2011

New glass and ancient stones

Since I'd bought my Canon 5D a couple of years ago I'd used the trusted 24-70L f.2.8 USM lens. However, the 24-105L f.4 has come up as a more sensible choice. It's lighter and obviously has a longer focal range, and I won't miss the extra f/ stop as I can always use my 50mm f/1.8 in low light condition.
I went to test out my new acquisition at my favourite location yesterday. You've guessed it... Avebury! Bit blowy, but as always came back refreshed and inspired. Just need to finish selling my old lens on ebay and even my bank account will be happy!

Saturday 7 May 2011

New Website Template!

I really liked my old website template, however I understood that it was a bit complicated to use, and quite long to load up. So I've decided to try out a slightly different and more user-friendly template. All comments and suggestions are welcome, as always.

Friday 6 May 2011

Lighting is everything!

It's such a great exercise: take a photo by a famous photographer and try and guess how they lighted it.
I've just come across a very cool blog that does just that: